Invitations on Angelic Troublemaking for Black History Month
QVS staff reflect on the faithful life of Bayard Rustin. What does it mean to be faithful in 2021? What sacrifices are we willing to make?
2020 End-of-Year Reflections
Hilary Burgin, QVS Executive Director, offers reflections on 2020.
Reflections from Zenaida, QVS Director of Equity and Empowerment
Zenaida Peterson, QVS Recruitment Coordinator 2017-current, shares what grounds them as they step into a new equity role.
Connecting Quaker Values & Money
Lucas Richie served in 2018-2019 with Bread & Roses Community Fund in Philadelphia. Bread & Roses was one of QVS’ first site placement partners when we expanded to Philadelphia in 2013. Since then, they have hosted ten QVS Fellows to support their Giving Project and grants administration.
2020 Alumni Impact Report
In Spring 2020, QVS conducted a major outreach survey to gather stories and impact from QVS Alumni. The following report offers testimonials, statistics, and learnings across the three pillars of the QVS experience: Community, Spirituality, and Service.
Philadelphia Transitions
More summer transitions! This time, we are holding a big both/and for our dear Philadelphia Coordinator, Oskar Castro. Oskar joined the QVS staff team in summer 2016. Since then, Oskar led four cohorts of Philadelphia Fellows through the QVS year. We're so grateful...
Summer Staff Transitions
Learn more about summer staff transitions at QVS as we say goodbye to two beloved staff, and welcome two new staff members and QVS Alumni.