

QVS is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. All contributions made to QVS are fully tax deductible under section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. QVS’s EIN is 38-3858580.

We believe in being as transparent as possible about our finances. High-level income and expense information is available on our Guidestar profile here. An overview of the QVS financial model is outlined below.

QVS’s budget is comprised of revenue from site placement fees and staff fundraising. Site placement fees account for just over half of our annual operating budget, funding basic operational expenses such as housing, food, medical care, transportation costs, and local staff support for Fellows. Fundraising income includes: an annual fund made up of contributions from individuals, monthly and yearly Quaker meetings/churches, and grant funding for special projects. Our fundraising covers the distinguishing characteristics and heart of our program: national orientation, equity funds, spiritual deepening retreats, mental health support, recruitment, and administrative support.

QVS’s financial model is based on mutual investment and resource sharing. We invite donors and community organizations who align with our vision into a relationship with QVS. Because site placement fees cover a large portion of our expenses, we’re able to spend less time and money on administrative and fundraising costs, and more time invested in young adult Fellows and the local program. On the flip side our expenses are discerned through a collective process, using feedback solicited from Fellows, board members, and staff. Budget line items like equity initiatives, loan support, mental health coverage, and an increased personal stipend each came from learnings from Fellows.