QVS Executive Director, Hilary Burgin, offers reflections on 2020.

​Dear Friends,

Your loyal support as part of our Quaker Voluntary Service community means so much, especially in light of this turbulent year. As the calendar year nears a close, I am left feeling a mix of emotions – energized, exhausted, surprised, and hopeful — as I imagine you are feeling too. This year was challenging, often forcing each of us to shift our plans and priorities time and time again.

Quaker Voluntary Service, like so many other organizations, had to be adaptive and nimble to respond to this challenging and growthful year. The important practices that ensured QVS’ early success have become vital touchstones during this year of crisis. This year’s successes (outlined below) demonstrate the strong foundation you helped us to build.

  • Despite the pandemic’s economic impact on nonprofits, every single site placement kept their Fellows in the spring because each Fellow served in a crucial capacity-building role.
  • More young adults than ever applied to QVS for the 2020-2021 program year. Even in such uncertain times, young adults continue to opt into intentional Quaker community and work for justice in the world.
  • QVS’ immersive service opportunities and vocational discernment programming become even more important as young adults transition out of QVS into a pandemic job market. Over half of QVS Fellows are offered a position with their site placement after their service year, and all gain practical job skills for their future.

The challenges that we associate with 2020 are not going to disappear as soon as we enter 2021.

We will still need individuals who are spiritually engaged, spiritually grounded, and faithful, who are compelled to contribute to the healing this world needs. QVS is committed to continuing our work in the world alongside our young adult Fellows, service organizations, and Friends meetings and church partners.

Your generous and ongoing support ensures we can continue to remain nimble and meet new and emerging challenges. This year-end we have a $25,000 matching challenge. Now thru December 31st…


Generous Friends will match gifts from new or lapsed donors OR double match the annual amount for any new or increased monthly gifts!

[et_pb_image_n10s src=”https://www.quakervoluntaryservice.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/mosaic-banner-for-enews.png” title_text=”mosaic banner for enews” n10s_type=”sarah” title1_overlay=”Invest in spirit-led leaders” title_color=”#ffffff” caption_overlay=”Make a one-time or recurring gift today” image_as_url=”on” url=”https://www.quakervoluntaryservice.org/donate/” align=”center” admin_label=”Donate Image Intense” _builder_version=”4.4.5″ custom_margin=”40px|40px|40px|40px” z_index_tablet=”500″ border_radii=”on|10px|10px|10px|10px”][/et_pb_image_n10s]

Image of a fundraising thermometer with $25,000 at the top and green liquid filling 2/3rds of it.Thanks to so many of you, we are just $8,000 short of our $25,000 matching challenge.

Please consider making a special gift today of $5, $20, $80, or whatever you can to ensure we can provide young adults and our vital service partners the support they need in the weeks and months ahead.

Have you already made a gift this year?

Can you share this special opportunity with at least three new Friends, so that, together, we can do more for young adults and our vital service partners in 2021?

With love and appreciation,

Hilary Burgin
QVS Executive Director

PS. Have questions about making a year-end gift? Check out the many different ways to give here.

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