by Liz Nicholson | Nov 20, 2018 | News, QVS Boston
We are honored and excited to welcome Kristina Keefe-Perry back to QVS our Boston Local Coordinator! Kristina was a founding Board member who was instrumental to QVS’s formation in 2012, and is returning officially to QVS to serve in the coordinator role as...
by Liz Nicholson | Feb 7, 2017 | Event, Recruitment
Two opportunities to catch up with QVS Portland Fellow, Lili Baldwin ’16, and QVS Boston City Coordinator, Hilary Burgin ’10, at their Alma Mater, Oberlin College on Feb 7th! Tuesday Feb. 7th- 4:30pm Wilder 211 Tuesday Feb. 7th- 7:30pm Feve If you...