We are honored and excited to welcome Kristina Keefe-Perry back to QVS our Boston Local Coordinator! Kristina was a founding Board member who was instrumental to QVS’s formation in 2012, and is returning officially to QVS to serve in the coordinator role as Hilary Burgin, former coordinator transitions into the Execituve Director Role. We are so excited to welcome the experience, gifts, questions, and energy that Kristina will bring to the Boston QVS community, and the wider QVS network around the country. Welcome Kristina, we are so glad you’re here!

Bio: Kristina Keefe-Perry is the mother of a third grader, a spouse, an avid bicyclist and hiker, and a member of Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting, New England Yearly Meeting. She grew up in Northern California where she co-coordinated the Service Learning program at Humboldt State and worked at the Academy for College Excellence.  Kristina came to Friends in Pacific Yearly Meeting, has served as clerk of her monthly meeting, as co-clerk of the Teen program for College Park Quarter, on the FGC Traveling Ministries Program, and as a teacher of Quakerism at Pendle Hill. With her spouse, Callid, she is the co-creator of Jewels of Quakerism and has facilitated Bible studies, offered public ministry, and led retreats throughout the US and Canada. She served as staff of the Young Adult Leadership Development (YALD) program in 2009. Kristina was a member of the founding steering committee and Board of QVS. A graduate of Boston University School of Theology, Kristina carries a minute of release from Fresh Pond Monthly Meeting in support of a leading for the nurture and growth of accessible, teaching, open and affirming, Christian, Quaker experiences of worship and connection. She is currently being called to a multi-year vision establishing an innovative Friends church in the Boston area.  She also works for The American Baptist Churches of Massachusetts (TABCOM) coordinating the Creation Care Ministries Program, using her skills in preaching, teaching, and networking to ground faithful engagement in environmental-justice and food-justice work.

For more information about our Boston QVS program, or to contact Kristina, visit the Boston City page here.