by Claire Hannapel | Feb 21, 2020 | Financials, National, News
Check out our QVS February National Update from Claire Hannapel, QVS Development Coordinator and 2016-17 Atlanta Alum. Dear Friend, Has winter caught up to you, like it has for me? The gray skies and endless rain causing the desire to only stay in your pajamas? I...
by Liz Nicholson | Jan 14, 2019 | Jobs/Openings, News, Recruitment
Grounded in the Quaker faith tradition and open to people of all backgrounds, QVS provides a Fellowship opportunity for young adults who live in intentional community with their peers and work in professional settings that aim to change unjust social...
by Liz Nicholson | Nov 20, 2018 | News, QVS Boston
We are honored and excited to welcome Kristina Keefe-Perry back to QVS our Boston Local Coordinator! Kristina was a founding Board member who was instrumental to QVS’s formation in 2012, and is returning officially to QVS to serve in the coordinator role as...
by Liz Nicholson | Jul 31, 2018 | Jobs/Openings, National, News
July 31, 2018 Dear Friend, Thank you to all of our many supporters for a strong end of our program and fiscal year. As we say goodbye to the 2017-18 Fellows, we anticipate the arrival of 36 new Fellows, more than ever before as we celebrate our newest location,...
by Claire Hannapel | Apr 30, 2018 | Event, National, News, QVS Atlanta, QVS Boston, QVS Minneapolis, QVS Philadelphia, QVS Portland
For QVS to be successful, we need the support of local Friends. In April 2018, we gathered some of our most dedicated local supporters at Pendle Hill, the historic Quaker retreat center just outside Philadelphia. It was the first gathering of its kind; a chance for...