Consensus Decision Making in Eusocial Organisms June 1, 2017 By Barbara Dale Excerpt “…Quakerism has been an important structure for me to learn in and from. I still live with housemates from QVS, and I feel clued into something larger than myself through...
Quaker Voluntary Service is part of a long history of Quaker action and witness in the world. We want to honor that legacy and help our young adults see and frame where they fit into this story. In this first of our Quaker Service Testimonies video series, Brigitte...
QVS and Social Change Chrissie Elcock The political climate is burning my skin. The flames under this melting pot sizzle and pop fumigating the air. The aftermath of this election has left the Western liberal world mortified. Ideals and hopes for achieving an...
Nancy Wales Foster was born in 1914 and grew up in southwestern Ohio, on the farm where her Quaker ancestors had settled in 1810. After graduating from Swarthmore College, she returned to Ohio and began teaching in 1934. She spent several summers as an AFSC staff...
This gentle Quaker couple, Nan and Britt Pendergrast, helped create and sustain the News/Views publications which began in April, 1980. A group from Atlanta Friends Meeting, led by Dwight Ferguson and Nan Pendergrast, selected articles on peace, social justice and...