The Role of a City Coordinator

The Role of a City Coordinator

QVS City Coordinators are the cornerstone of the Fellow experience.  In each city, Coordinators accompany young adult Fellows from the time of their interviews and selection to the program year’s closure. This includes building and delivering programming twice monthly...
Equity as an Ongoing Process

Equity as an Ongoing Process

This is part of a series of blog posts from Zenaida Peterson, QVS Director of Equity and Empowerment, in which they talk more explicitly about QVS’ equity work. In Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order, Lloyd Lee Wilson’s talks about the importance of...
Worship Sharing on Equity Queries

Worship Sharing on Equity Queries

This past year, as Zenaida stepped into their role as Equity & Empowerment Director, they noticed how QVS is not well practiced at talking about changes in our work, and equity in particular. They wondered: What have we learned about offering a fellowship program...

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