The Beginning of Our Journey Together

We are now at the end of two weeks together here in Atlanta as part of the launch house of Quaker Voluntary Service. As we gathered together last week we were given the opportunity to get to know one another and understand where we come from. The first afternoon of orientation we spent journaling and sharing about our childhoods. As we shared, we learned about the struggles as well as the strengths we identify in ourselves. After sharing and looking at our schedule, we asked for some more time to share about what is next for us in this year together, so the following afternoon we talked about our expectations and understandings for this year of communal living. It was such a blessing to spend time settling in as a house and program before we headed off to work.

This last week we started settling into work. We all work 40 hours a week and we are all slowly learning about when that means Monday through Friday during conventional hours and when it means nights and weekends, as well. It was lovely to be the first one home on Tuesday, our first day at work, and see everyone come in. They all had a different story of learning about their jobs, but everyone looked tired and overwhelmed from the deluge of information from their day. We all have to take on a lot of leadership on in our jobs, and we all are looking for the place that is ours.

As I settle into my job at American Friends Service Committee, I am finding the things that sometimes feel boring are the places that I am also most excited to see myself grow. I have lots of different responsibilities right now but they are slowing coming together to create a regular schedule.

At home I am enjoying house meals every work night, as well as the communal hang out that happens after dinner. Most nights I wish I was going to bed earlier but that is because I feel pulled to both be a housemate, as well as be an introvert who needs time in a smaller group. We have started watching TV shows together in good American fashion and are enjoying laughing with each other. As we worship and eat together, we are reminded that we are on the beginning of a journey that still has eleven months to go.

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