by QVS | Dec 22, 2022 | News, Resources, Uncategorized
This winter QVS Executive Director Hilary Burgin shares with us her reflections on translating across generations. While my business card might say my job title is “Executive Director” I find myself often in the role of a translator. Many Fellows...
by Claire Hannapel | Jun 23, 2021 | Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia, Video
This quote comes from Katie Hulihan, a QVS Fellow serving in Philadelphia at Fleisher Art Memorial. On June 17, 2021, Katie joined supporters and Friends for QVS’ 2nd Annual Supporters’ Briefing and shared about her experience in QVS. She reflected on the...
by Liz Nicholson | Feb 8, 2018 | QVS Boston
a living document Maya Gillett, 2017-18 Boston Fellow, serving at Community Action Agency of Somerville Way back in September, during the national orientation session for all thirty of this year’s QVS fellows, QVS staff began mentioning the “covenant.” As in: “When...