by Claire Hannapel | Apr 30, 2018 | Event, National, News, QVS Atlanta, QVS Boston, QVS Minneapolis, QVS Philadelphia, QVS Portland
For QVS to be successful, we need the support of local Friends. In April 2018, we gathered some of our most dedicated local supporters at Pendle Hill, the historic Quaker retreat center just outside Philadelphia. It was the first gathering of its kind; a chance for...
by Liz Nicholson | Jun 19, 2017 | Alumni, News
We are excited to be sending several 2016-17 Fellows and staff to both FUM Stoking the Fire, July 9-12 in Witchita, KS, as well as FGC The Gathering, July 2-8 in Niagara Falls, NY this summer. Who to look out for: Atlanta Fellows Elise Riley, John Madden, and Claire...