by Claire Hannapel | Oct 9, 2020 | Alumni, Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia
The following testimonial was written by Lucas Richie, a 2018-2019 Philadelphia QVS Fellow. During his QVS year, Lucas served at Bread & Roses Community Fund. Bread & Roses was one of QVS’ first site placement partners when we expanded to Philadelphia in...
by | Jul 10, 2020 | Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia
Each summer — as the program year winds down — we invite Fellows to reflect on their experience and write a testimonial to share with Friends. Madison Wagner, a young adult Fellow who served in Philadelphia during the 2019-2020 program year, shares major takeaways...
by Liz Nicholson | Feb 9, 2017 | Equity, QVS Philadelphia, Recruitment, Video
QVS and Social Change Chrissie Elcock The political climate is burning my skin. The flames under this melting pot sizzle and pop fumigating the air. The aftermath of this election has left the Western liberal world mortified. Ideals and hopes for achieving an...