by Liz Nicholson | Jun 3, 2020 | Equity, News, Resources
In this moment, we are seeing protests and action rise in multitudes in this country, and around the world, demanding justice for Black Lives, and calling attention to the systemic oppression of Black people. QVS fundamentally understands racial justice work to be...
by Liz Nicholson | May 30, 2020 | Equity, National, News, Resources
As we continue to see police and citizen violence on Black and brown bodies, most recently with the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, we ask what is our work- what is my work? This violence and white supremacy is not new, it is a tale as old...
by Liz Nicholson | Feb 9, 2017 | Equity, QVS Philadelphia, Recruitment, Video
QVS and Social Change Chrissie Elcock The political climate is burning my skin. The flames under this melting pot sizzle and pop fumigating the air. The aftermath of this election has left the Western liberal world mortified. Ideals and hopes for achieving an...