by Liz Nicholson | Dec 6, 2017 | National, News
December, 2017 I was first inspired by the idea of prophetic service more than ten years ago when Noah Merrill, now the Secretary of New England Yearly Meeting, and I first connected. We found ourselves wondering and dreaming about what the contemporary witness...
by Liz Nicholson | Dec 1, 2015 | News
“Today, I think my transformation has been more powerful than perceptible- like a pool of water becoming deeper, without its surface changing. The service QVS has allowed me to do has helped me reach this point: I’ve never been more sure of my values, my...
by Christina Repoley | Mar 14, 2012 | News
Dear Friends, The board of Quaker Voluntary Service is pleased to announce that we are making great progress and moving forward with the launch of our first Quaker house of service in Atlanta, Georgia this Fall. We have news regarding applications for the first class...