by Claire Hannapel | Jan 24, 2022 | Event, News, QVS Minneapolis
The Midwest Match has ended. Over 32 supporters helped us surpass our goal of raising $4,000. Individuals and groups are still welcome to contribute towards the QVS general fund to support our regional program in Minneapolis/St. Paul and national fellowship. Visit...
by Claire Hannapel | Aug 6, 2021 | Alumni, Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia
Abby Brown served at Germantown Friends School (GFS) for her 2014-2015 QVS year in Philadelphia, and has continued working in education ever since. “QVS was asking us every week to be incredibly self-reflective, and in tune with our work and ourselves… [Topics]...
by Claire Hannapel | Jun 16, 2021 | Alumni, Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia
Eppchez Yes (ey/em/eir) served as a QVS Fellow from 2014-2015 at Philadelphia FIGHT’s Institute for Community Justice. Eppchez, who grew up in New England Yearly Meeting, has remained in Philly since eir QVS year to follow leadings as an artist and organizer. One of...
by Claire Hannapel | May 11, 2021 | Alumni, Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Boston
Kateri Boucher served at Neighbor to Neighbor Massachusetts during her 2017-2018 QVS year in Boston. In describing the impact of QVS on her life, Kateri shared, “QVS came at a perfect time for me. I was craving some kind of spiritual community but not sure I wanted to...
by Claire Hannapel | Apr 14, 2021 | Alumni, Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia
In December 2020, Walid graduated Earlham School of Religion with his MA in Religion after completing his thesis titled Indigeneity, Nationalism, and Palestinian Christian Liberation Theology: A Critique of Zionist Theologies. Although Walid completed his time...