Please add links to any social media sites that we can link to or tag in our posts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, Snapchat etc.
AGENCY DESCRIPTION. Describe your Agency and the work it does (up to 250 words)* Please include: 1. Vision, philosophy, and goals, 2. Brief history including founding year, 3. Size and scope of agency - number of staff, number of sites/programs, etc., and 4. Population served
POSITION DESCRIPTION. Describe to the best of your ability the position the QVS Fellow will hold (up to 250 words).* Please include: 1. Primary duties and responsibilities, 2. Population with whom the QVS Fellow will be working - ages, demographics, special needs, etc., and 3. Qualifications.
Along with your organization description, this section will be the main blurb we send to potential applicants. As applicants will be looking at these descriptions as they decide who they would like to interview with, it's important to "sell" the position to ensure folks will be interested/enticed. City coordinators may suggest edits before we post these descriptions. This description can be refined as time goes on but we want a good idea of what role the QVS Fellow is expected to play.
WORK SCHEDULE. What is a normal work schedule for the position?* Remember, QVS Fellows work full time except for two full Fridays of every month when they are in QVS required trainings and events.
WORK LOCATION. What portion of the Fellow's work week will be on-site at your organization? What portion will be done remotely from a computer at home?* We know that the percentages may change over time, but we've found it's helpful to communicate these expectations to potential Fellows. Some applicants love the idea of working from home 4 days per week; others would find that difficult. Anything you can say about remote vs. in-person work will help us find the best applicant for your organization.
PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT. QVS acknowledges that not all organizations have a formal harassment policy. However, before we are able to accept your organization as a site, we need assurance that any incidents of harassment involving our Fellow be addressed. Are you willing to follow the below QVS harassment policy until/unless your organization develops its own policy?*
We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment of any kind.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, epithets, slurs, jokes, or other verbal or physical conduct relating to an individual’s ethnicity, race, creed, religion, culture, national origin, disability, color, gender, pregnancy, age, economic class, marital status, family relationship, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, or service in the uniformed services, or any other classification protected by federal, state or local law. Harassment includes sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, unwelcome or offensive touching and other verbal, graphic, or physical conduct, or electronic communications (including e-mail) of a sexual nature involving either members of the same sex or opposite sex. When an individual expresses specific discomfort with an action or communication, it is “unwelcome” to that individual.
If you feel you are the target of discrimination or harassment of any form please immediately notify the appropriate individual.
Additionally, if you notice someone else behaving inappropriately or if you suspect a coworker is being discriminated against or harassed but not reporting it, please immediately share that concern.
We will listen to all complaints of harassment or discrimination, promptly investigate such complaints, and quickly apply appropriate sanctions to end offensive or harmful behavior. If it is determined that harassment or discrimination has occurred, the organization will also take appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal of the offending party. Complaints of harassment or discrimination will be kept confidential to the extent possible. Employees are required to cooperate fully with any investigation of harassment or discrimination.
We will not retaliate against any person because of complaints of harassment or discrimination or because of cooperation with any investigation. Any person who believes retaliation has resulted from either the reporting of a complaint of harassment or discrimination or from participation in an investigation of such allegations should immediately report this.