1. Fill out a reimbursement form in Excel format
2. Provide a PDF version (not JPG) of all receipt(s)
3. Email reimbursement form (Excel) and receipts (PDF) to your City Coordinator
4. After review/approval, the City Coordinator will email your request to the Director of Operations for reimbursement
Failure to comply with these instructions may result in a delay in your expense reimbursement.
1. If possible, gain approval from your City Coordinator for reimbursement prior to incurring an expense.
2. Submit your reimbursement form and all supporting documentation via email (all documentation in the same message) to your City Coordinator within 10 days of incurring the expense if possible.
- We reserve the right to not reimburse for expenses incurred more than 45 days prior to the request.
- In general, costs for QVS days or retreats, conferences, and medical copays* are reimbursable.
- For house supplies (e.g., kitchen tools, space heaters)/maintenance, you must check in with your City Coordinator before purchases – they may reach out to the LSC or other sources for donations.
- We do not reimburse for house cleaning supplies or other daily use items such as paper towels and toilet paper – the personal stipend is meant to cover those costs.
- *QVS will only reimburse for medical expenses/prescriptions for in-network providers/services. Your personal stipend is to be used for over the counter medications and general supplies.
- QVS does not reimburse for alcohol.
- QVS does not pay for dental work/exams, eye exams/prescriptions, contact lenses, or glasses.
3. Fill out the reimbursement form (Excel) in its entirety:
- Expense Date: Enter the date the expense was incurred (should match your receipt)
- Vendor: Enter the name of the business issuing the receipt (e.g., Lyft, Panera, etc.)
- Expense Description: Provide a description of why the expense was incurred (e.g., ‘Lunch while on recruitment trip at Guilford’;or ‘mileage for driving to mid year retreat, Bailey St to mountain house, 200 miles @ $0.29 per mile’)
- Code: Select from the dropdown list to enter the expense type code (click toward the right hand side of the cell and you will see a drop-down arrow and a list to choose from). The account codes, along with descriptions, are listed on the ‘Account Codes’ tab.
- Class: Select from the dropdown list. See the ‘Class Codes’ tab for an explanation of when to use which codes.
- Amount: enter the amount of the expense
4. Create a PDF file of your receipt(s).
We do not accept JPGs or inline text emails (from Lyft, Square, etc.). We will not reimburse you without receipts, and will ask you to re-submit your request if your receipt is not in PDF (the format required by
Note: To get an image into PDF, you can go to the Print menu on a computer and select “Save as PDF” as the printer Destination. You can also use the Scannable (iPhone) or Tiny Scanner (Android) app on your phone to scan your receipts/bills in PDF format. Reach out if you need help figuring this out.