Worship Sharing on Equity Queries

Worship Sharing on Equity Queries

This past year, as Zenaida stepped into their role as Equity & Empowerment Director, they noticed how QVS is not well practiced at talking about changes in our work, and equity in particular. They wondered: What have we learned about offering a fellowship program...
QVS at Virtual Gatherings

QVS at Virtual Gatherings

This summer, QVS staff and representatives will be present at virtual Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions across the country! Are you interested in getting to know our staff team better? Are you interested in learning about how Fellows are navigating intentional community...


“That the US doesn’t have an Emancipation Day to mark our abolishing an institution antithetical to our founding ideals of freedom & liberty speaks to the ongoing cover-up and our inability, still, to acknowledge what we did and who we are… Juneteenth should...

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