QVS Alumni featured on QuakerSpeak!
Check out what seven QVS Alumni have to say about the experience of living in community & doing justice work in Atlanta, Boston, Minneapolis/St.Paul, Philadelphia and Portland, OR!
$20,000 Alumni Matching Challenge
Through July 2020, all gifts from or in honor of individual QVS alumni will be matched up to $20,000! Help us get there by making a donation today!
QVS June National Update
Check out our QVS June National Update from Executive Director, Hilary Burgin.When you look back on your early twenties, what do you remember? Can you recount a clear and linear path with one job leading to another? A move to a new city spurred by a...
QVS National Spring Update
Check out our QVS National Spring Update! Written by Development Coordinator, and QVS Atlanta Alum, Claire Hannapel.Spring has a lot to teach us. Especially as it relates to this Spirit-led work of community that we’re engaged in as Quaker Voluntary...
Sabbath Year from Alumni Fellowship
This past April at their spring meeting, the QVS Board discerned that we would take a Sabbath Year from our Alumni Fellowship program. This decision was made out of an effort to be dutiful to our program’s original intent and ministry and responsive to...
Alumni Testimonial: Working for energy democracy in the climate justice movement
A year and a half ago when I started Quaker Voluntary Service and my position at Massachusetts Climate Action Network, I had no idea what a Municipal Light Plant was. Now they have become my “life’s work” or at least make up the majority of my very short career. This...
First QVS Alumni Reunion & 10 Year Celebration
Two weeks ago, around 40 QVS Alumni gathered from around the country for an Alumni Reunion & 10 Year Celebration. This event was a first of its kind and an experiment in gathering together. QVS staff had long hoped to offer a retreat like this,...