Thanksgiving from Two QVS Fellows
As a community grounded in relationships and Spirit-led service, we feel grateful for a day inviting us to give thanks. We also seek to use days like today, and everyday, to consider harmful narratives, complex history, and to examine the impact of colonization on our...
Transgender Day of Remembrance
As a community, QVS affirms the lives and experiences of trans folks, and understands that working towards our collective liberation, by working against transphobia and violence towards trans people, is a part of our shared spiritual and justice work.
Alumni Testimonial: From QVS to the Quaker United Nations Office
For the longest time I was fearful to step into faith, even though I felt Spirit stir for so long. Quaker Voluntary Service appeared unexpectedly, and initially I was hesitant. I asked if it was okay that I was not religious, and the answer I received was that faith,...
Celebrate Indigenous Peoples’ Day
We're excited to honor and celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day today! The strength and resilience of Native Peoples who have long stewarded the land we live upon is seen and lauded. There is much work to be done in addressing historical and modern harm to...
Reflections from QVS’s 8th National Orientation
National Orientation is the only time in the fellowship year when all QVS Fellows and staff participate in a single event. Our time together embodies many of the aspirations we have for the rest of the program year: We build relationships through...
Alumni Testimonial: The Road Ahead
In my year as a QVS Fellow, I worked at Casa del Trabajador, an immigrant-led worker center which advocates for injured, unpaid, or otherwise vulnerable workers. My year with QVS and Casa del Trabajador gave me many, many things -- but primarily, it gave me tools and...
Announcing New Partnership! Friends Foundation for the Aging
We’re excited to announce a new partnership with Friends Foundation for the Aging! In QVS's current program model, we strive to offer young adults immersive service experience in line with their vocational calling. Our goal isn’t to invent or create new service work,...