Endowment for Quaker Service
Thanks to seed funds from the dissolution of the Clarence and Lilly Pickett Fund, QVS is launching the Clarence and Lilly Pickett Endowment for Quaker Service. Read more about this amazing new chapter and QVS’s work to steward the Legacy of Clarence and Lilly Pickett.
Spirit in Action
Last year, three current Fellows and a QVS Alum sat down and shared their stories with Spirit In Action, a weekly radio program. They shared reflections about discerning vocation, why they chose to do QVS, and the impact of living in intentional community with strangers.
“That the US doesn’t have an Emancipation Day to mark our abolishing an institution antithetical to our founding ideals of freedom & liberty speaks to the ongoing cover-up and our inability, still, to acknowledge what we did and who we are... Juneteenth should be...
QVS Supporters’ Briefing
QVS staff and board recently led a Supporters’ Briefing, which offered Friends an inside look into QVS’s recent programmatic and financial shifts due to COVID-19.
When I Dare to Be Powerful- On Protests, Looting, and De-centering Whiteness
We ask our Friends and supporters to continue to engage with the concerns being expressed by Black and Brown people in the United States and to consider that many of those concerns are generations if not centuries in the making. How will you center equity as we work for justice?
What is your right next step?
In this moment, we are seeing protests and action rise in multitudes in this country, and around the world, demanding justice for Black Lives, and calling attention to the systemic oppression of Black people. QVS fundamentally understands racial justice work to be...
Justice for Black Lives #GeorgeFloyd
As we continue to see police and citizen violence on Black and brown bodies, most recently with the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, we ask what is our work- what is my work? This violence and white supremacy is not new, it is a tale as old...