by Claire Hannapel | Aug 6, 2021 | National, News, QVS Atlanta, QVS Boston, QVS Minneapolis, QVS Philadelphia, QVS Portland
We’re so excited to introduce you to the 2021-2022 QVS Fellows! We have over 30 young adults eager to begin their year with QVS. Here are just a few highlights from our incoming Fellow cohort! Colin Battis was involved with his Unitarian Universalist...
by Claire Hannapel | Aug 6, 2021 | Alumni, Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia
Abby Brown served at Germantown Friends School (GFS) for her 2014-2015 QVS year in Philadelphia, and has continued working in education ever since. “QVS was asking us every week to be incredibly self-reflective, and in tune with our work and ourselves… [Topics]...