by Claire Hannapel | Jun 25, 2021 | Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia
Each summer — as the program year winds down — we invite Fellows to reflect on their experience and write a testimonial to share with Friends. Sam Downs, a young adult Fellow who served in Philadelphia during the 2020-2021 program year, shares about God, spiritual...
by Claire Hannapel | Jun 23, 2021 | Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia, Video
This quote comes from Katie Hulihan, a QVS Fellow serving in Philadelphia at Fleisher Art Memorial. On June 17, 2021, Katie joined supporters and Friends for QVS’ 2nd Annual Supporters’ Briefing and shared about her experience in QVS. She reflected on the...
by Claire Hannapel | Jun 23, 2021 | Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Portland
This quote comes from Christina Dunbar, a QVS Fellow serving in Portland at L’Arche. On June 17, 2021, Christina joined supporters and Friends for QVS’ 2nd Annual Supporters’ Briefing and shared about her experience in QVS. “Stumbling upon the QVS...
by Claire Hannapel | Jun 22, 2021 | Event, Financials, National, Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Atlanta, QVS Philadelphia, QVS Portland, Video
On June 17, 2021, QVS hosted our 2nd Annual Supporters’ Briefing. We held our first ever Supporters’ Briefing in summer 2020 to offer Friends an inside look into programmatic and financial shifts due to COVID-19. This year, in addition to a report and...
by Claire Hannapel | Jun 16, 2021 | Alumni, Quaker Service Testimonies, QVS Philadelphia
Eppchez Yes (ey/em/eir) served as a QVS Fellow from 2014-2015 at Philadelphia FIGHT’s Institute for Community Justice. Eppchez, who grew up in New England Yearly Meeting, has remained in Philly since eir QVS year to follow leadings as an artist and organizer. One of...