Recognizing the Role of Local Friends

Recognizing the Role of Local Friends

For QVS to be successful, we need the support of local Friends. But what does that entail? From QVS’ inception we knew that a fundamental piece of our model would include partnering with local Quakers. We knew we couldn’t build a program alone, so we enlisted the...
Portland Raffle Fundraiser

Portland Raffle Fundraiser

Want to do good and get some good stuff?  Quaker Voluntary Service Portland is hosting a raffle fundraiser throughout the month of May and we’d love to have your support. Our generous and talented Portland Friends donated items to make gift baskets that include:...
Worship Sharing on Equity Queries

Worship Sharing on Equity Queries

This past year, as Zenaida stepped into their role as Equity & Empowerment Director, they noticed how QVS is not well practiced at talking about changes in our work, and equity in particular. They wondered: What have we learned about offering a fellowship program...

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