At the 2019 Summer Gathering for Friends General Conference, QVS Fellows and Alumni connected with Mark Helpsmeet. Mark is the founder and producer of Northern Spirit Radio. Mark was interested in interviewing QVS for his weekly radio program, Spirit In Action.
In between workshops and worship at the Gathering, three current Fellows and a QVS Alum sat down and shared their stories with Spirit In Action. They had an array of experiences to share from three different QVS program cities. For instance, they shared reflections about discerning vocation, why they chose to do QVS, and the impact of living in intentional community with strangers. Cynthia Bartoo, a member of the Minneapolis Local Support Committee, also joined to share more about the work of preparing for and welcoming young adult Fellows into the wider Friends community.
QVS on Spirit In Action
“I think what drew me to QVS was the sense of community — not just within the house — [but] the circles of community that are around you… Whereas I think in other volunteer programs you’re left to fend for yourself in ways… QVS offers [that] support in place, and they’re very grounded in Quaker values, which was important to me.”
This year we are sad about not connecting at in-person gatherings and yearly meeting sessions, including the FGC Gathering. However, we’re reflecting back on the joyful moments of connection and collaboration among Friends, and excited as Way Opens for new connections at virtual events!
To get involved or learn more about any of the QVS cities mentioned in the radio episode, visit the QVS Atlanta page, Minneapolis page, or Portland page. In addition, you can read our organization update on the FGC Virtual Gathering “Quaker Exhibits and Presentations” page (scroll down to QVS).
Virtual QVS Workshops
Would you like us to offer a workshop or presentation at your Friends meeting/church or yearly meeting? Connect with Claire, QVS’s Outreach & Development Coordinator.
Invest in QVS
When you give to QVS you are: empowering young adults to explore their spirituality and vocation; increasing capacity of social change and service organizations; fostering intergenerational connections in Friends meetings and churches; and building new leadership for the Religious Society of Friends and the world.
Consider giving a one-time or recurring gift online today to help sustain our program, or be in touch with us about non-financial or deferred giving options.

Claire Hannapel
Development & Outreach Coordinator
Connect with Claire for more information about giving, outreach events/visits, or to get connected to one of our program cities.