Click the video below to learn from three Friends and QVS Alumni sharing about why they feel led to support the transformative work of QVS.
Why do you support QVS?
“[QVS] affords young people an opportunity at a very critical time in their lives. It’s amazing to have a vehicle like Quaker Voluntary Service where young people can try out significant work… and be exposed to the support of staff who are well grounded in Quakerism, and then have the chance to use the resources of Quaker practice.”
“I’ve never been in a space where I was with other young people focused on spirituality, and it just felt so radical in so many ways. We weren’t roommates, we were people who moved in with each other and said, I’m committed to your transformation for this year, I’m committed to you deepening your spirituality, I’m committed to your wellness, and I don’t know your middle name!'”
“Over 40% of the program is supported by the placement organizations who pay a fee to have a [QVS] Fellow working in their organization for a year. And from a donor standpoint, basically each dollar I put in is almost exactly matched. So it’s an incredibly efficient and effective way to leverage your donation.”

Claire Hannapel
We’re so grateful for the many ways individuals are inspired to invest in QVS. For more information about giving or to get connected to one of our program cities, contact Claire, our Development Coordinator.
[email protected].