by Liz Nicholson | Jun 19, 2017 | Alumni, News
We are excited to be sending several 2016-17 Fellows and staff to both FUM Stoking the Fire, July 9-12 in Witchita, KS, as well as FGC The Gathering, July 2-8 in Niagara Falls, NY this summer. Who to look out for: Atlanta Fellows Elise Riley, John Madden, and Claire...
by Liz Nicholson | Jun 19, 2017 | Alumni, News, Resources
Consensus Decision Making in Eusocial Organisms June 1, 2017 By Barbara Dale Excerpt “…Quakerism has been an important structure for me to learn in and from. I still live with housemates from QVS, and I feel clued into something larger than myself through...