by Liz Nicholson | Feb 22, 2016 | Event, News
Quaker Voluntary Service was one of nine entities selected to receive the newly formed New England Yearly Meeting Legacy Gift grant. We are so grateful for the support and funding towards our Boston program, thank you! NYEM: Announcing First Legacy Gift Grants!...
by Liz Nicholson | Feb 18, 2016 | News, QVS Philadelphia
Stop by and say hello to Ross Hennesy at the University of Pennsylvania Career Fair on Friday February 19th from 11am-3pm! UPenn Spring Career Fair 2016 Houston Hall 3417 Spruce Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-6306
by Liz Nicholson | Feb 12, 2016 | Event, News, QVS Philadelphia
You are invited to a special afternoon event at Kendal Retirement Home Quaker Voluntary Service Then and Now Sunday February 21, 2016 3:30-5pm in the Activities Central Room at Kendal, Kennet Square, PA Quaker Voluntary Service invites you to come and hear from...
by Liz Nicholson | Feb 4, 2016 | Event, News
Know anyone at Oberlin College or in the area? QVS Staff Ross Hennesy and Hilary Burgin will be at Oberlin College on Monday, February 8 and Tuesday, February 9. Check out the Facebook event to see more details about times to meet with Ross and Hilary!
by Liz Nicholson | Feb 4, 2016 | Event, News
QVS Staff Ross Hennesy and Hilary Burgin will be in Yellow Springs, OH at Antioch College for worship on Sunday, February 7. Please join us after worship to chat about QVS! Antioch College- 1 Morgan Pl, Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387 Here’s a link to our Facebook...